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Nosey Squidlit here to bring you the down-low on Super Squidlit!

Super Squidlit covers a new adventure with Plip, Artemis, Skwit Skwot, and more as they seek to send someone from Skwit Skwot's home back to where they belong! This new adventure looks to be quite colorful, as the file here says they're imitating the Game Boy Color TM, made by Nintendo! Here's a few extra tidbits I found!

  • Five new islands to explore off the coast of Skwit Skwot's Kingdom, bringing hours of fun!

  • Enjoy fully colored Squidlits as Super Squidlit replicates the capabilities of Nintendo's Game Boy Color TM!

  • Play as Skwit Skwot in a new Ray-Casting 3D First Person Shooter levels!

  • Drop in/Drop Out 2 Player anywhere as Plip's friend Artemis joins the game!

I'll keep digging to bring you the facts! Nosey Squidlit, signing off.

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